Monthly Archives: July 2018

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瀕臨孟加拉灣的安德拉邦是印度的糧倉,不斷攀升的投資拉高務農風險,壓縮獲利機率。安德拉邦的農業官員卡瑪(Vijay Kamar)表示:「我們推動的『零預算自然農法』從降低農藥、肥料與灌溉成本著手,透過害物整合管理(IPM)、無農藥管理(NPM)和社區永續農業管理(CMSA)協助農人轉型。」

The Soil Story by Kiss The Ground

The Soil Story, created by Kiss the Ground, is a five-minute film that shares the importance of healthy soil for a healthy planet. Learn how we can “sequester” (store) carbon from our atmosphere, where it is harmful, and pull it back into the…